Bahçeşehir University

Bahçeşehir University Istanbul is one of the best Turkish universities. And one of the most important branches of Bahçeşehir International Universities Foundation, which has several branches in central locations in the following countries: Washington and Silicon Valley in the United States of America, Berlin in Germany, Toronto in Canada, Georgia, China, Italy and Northern Cyprus Turkish, as well as a large number of international students from different parts of the world, and proceed according to For its vision to become a research university with an international stature.

The university uses the English or Turkish languages in teaching various disciplines, and provides a preparatory year for language study. On the other hand, students of Bahçeşehir University Istanbul can study summer programs in any branch of Bahçeşehir University Group.

Bahçeşehir University was established in 1998 with the slogan (The University of the World is in the Heart of Istanbul and the Confluence of the Two Continents) The university has the distinction of having teacher and student exchange programs with many universities around the world, including: New York University, Harvard University, Stanford University, Yokogawa University, Technical University of Berlin, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The university also received the United Nations Award for Higher Education in recognition of its efforts in the field of higher education and its cooperation with the labor market and graduating students with professional experience and competence, as Bahçeşehir University is one of the first Turkish universities to implement the cooperation project between the university and the labor market that provides students with the opportunity to live a life experience Real process during my university years. This project, which started from the concept of “my university campus is my workplace,” depends on cooperation agreements with about 800 factories inside and outside Turkey and gives students the possibility of training and obtaining practical experience in many fields.

About Bahçeşehir University

  • The university includes 9 colleges, two vocational schools, and 4 institutes of postgraduate studies.
  • The university has 6 campuses in Istanbul.
  • The university embraces more than 18,000 undergraduate students, and about 6,500 postgraduate students.
  • The number of international students at the university is close to 5,000 students.
  • The university has more than 1,250 academic and 601 administrative personnel.
  • The university has cooperation agreements with 193 universities from 36 different countries.
  • There are more than 100 educational programs in the university.
  • The university has a library of 11,400 square meters, which includes more than 250,000 books and magazines, in addition to digital documents.
  • There are 5 various cafes and restaurants on campus.
جامعة جيليشيم

Bahçeşehir University Mission

The university’s mission is to continuously improve the quality of education, research and development processes to add cultural and educational value to students.

It also contributes to developing innovative solutions to the problems facing society, as the university is keen to graduate innovators and entrepreneurs who can carry out pioneering and innovative initiatives and actions that will advance society.

Bahçeşehir University Goals

"My campus is the whole world."

Through the project “My university campus is the whole world”, the student at Bahçeşehir University has the opportunity to complete his studies in many universities linked by a cooperation agreement with Bahçeşehir University in the United States and Europe, and the universities affiliated with the Bahçeşehir International Foundation.

Recreational Activities for Students

Bahçeşehir University is known for providing various sports, cultural and social entertainment, as it includes equipped gyms, concert and festivals halls, and a large comprehensive library.

In addition, it has sea boats that students can spend enjoyable cruises through, to explore the ancient city of Istanbul, and these trips are among the most enjoyable activities for international students at Bahçeşehir University.
