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UNIVERSITY REGISTRATION FORM​ Make sure your information is right as it is in your passport “EDUCATION’S PURPOSE IS TO REPLACE AN EMPTY MIND WITH AN OPEN ONE.” mohamed eıd ıstanbul gallery This is a collection from best istanbul pictures that occurred a lot of international prizes Previous Next Facebook Instagram Youtube

جامعة اسطنبول جيليشيم

Istanbul Gelişim University Under the name of Gelişim Vocational School, Istanbul Gelisim University was established in 2008 by the Gelisim Foundation for Education, Culture, Health and Social Services. The university is located in the city of Istanbul on the European side of it, specifically in the Avcilar region, which is a very special location that …

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جامعة بهتشة شهير

Bahçeşehir University Bahçeşehir University Istanbul is one of the best Turkish universities. And one of the most important branches of Bahçeşehir International Universities Foundation, which has several branches in central locations in the following countries: Washington and Silicon Valley in the United States of America, Berlin in Germany, Toronto in Canada, Georgia, China, Italy and …

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جامعة نيشان تاشي

Nişantaşı Üniversity Nisantasi University was established in 2009, with the aim of providing students with strong academic skills that lead to advancement in professional life, relying on the scientific thinking system and keeping pace with the developments of the digital technology era, and that the university, with its students and the trained faculty, could represent …

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جامعة ميديبول اسطنبول

istanbul medipol university Istanbul Medipol University is one of the best private Turkish universities with a prestigious position in Europe. The University is located in a place surrounded by an ancient cultural heritage, where the two continents of Asia and Europe meet. Istanbul Medipol University has two campuses in the Kawagic and Halic regions, which …

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