Study in turkey

Studying in Turkey is one of the best options that foreign students, especially Arab students can make.
Turkey is one of the leading countries in the field of education and its good economic situation has made it in a state of permanent and continuous development, which made it a first destination for students wishing to obtain high quality education and a prestigious social life.

Puplic Universities in Turkey

Public universities in Turkey are considered one of the best universities in the world, and many of them have advanced positions both globally and locally.
The universities adopt an advanced education system in accordance with European Union standards and include many international programs such as the Erasmus program, which made it a destination for many students.

How to select foreign students to study in public universities?

Turkish public universities depend in their selection among foreign students on the system of preferences.
It is a discriminatory system based on the selection of the best among the applicant with the required conditions,
It is divided into two parts :

– The first is that universities rely heavily on the Turkish Aptitude Test (YOS) or the American Test (SAT) in order to differentiate between students.

– The second is the comparison according to the secondary or secondary test for each country, and a certain number of students are selected who compete for seats in universities, where a specific number of seats is determined for each country, so the nationality of the student is an important factor in his admission to Turkish universities.

* Knowing that each university has its own system and separate conditions for applying to accept foreign students*.

Are there specific times for applying across universities?

The system for applying to universities varies, as it is not comprehensive, but each university has specific dates and dates that are announced on the university’s own website, as well as all available specializations, their costs and the number of seats available.

What are the fees for applying to universities?

The cost of applying to most universities is completely free without any fees, but some universities require a small fee from the student on their preferences, such as Inonu University and Gazi University, and this value ranges from 50 to 100 dollars

Does there universities that accept without YöS or SAT?

Yes, there are many universities that accept student registration without the YÖS or SAT test, but they do not have a specific rule and it varies from one university to another.

What are the documents required to apply to public universities?

The documents required are:
1- The student must be a foreigner who does not hold Turkish citizenship
2- Having a valid passport
3- Secondary school certificate and transcript
4- A clear personal photo


If you want to apply to Turkish public universities
Tullabna group is your first choice
– We help you choose the best specialization for you
– We help you to apply to the best universities that accept without the YÖS or SAT certificate
– We offer exclusive offers and discounts for our students
– We translate academic certificates and passports at the lowest prices
– We follow up with our students until they arrive in Turkey
– We help our students to apply for a residence permit in Turkey and help them obtain housing and complete their registration in universities

“every morning you have two choices continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them.”

Dates of Universities

11 thoughts on “المفاضلات في الجامعات الحكومية”

  1. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    انا في تالته ثانوي تجارة اخر سنه الي
    وعايزا اقدم على افضل منحه من الجماعات تركيا

  2. بحاول اتواصل معكم واتساب و انستا مفيش اي رد والإنسان الرسائل لا تُرسل اليكم ارجو مساعدتي

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