Turkish Scholarships

What are the comprehensive Turkish scholarships?

Free Turkish Scholarships is a scholarship offered by the Turkish government to foreign students from all over the world, and it is one of the most popular scholarship programs around the world, due to the fact that it includes almost all majors and all levels of study: high school, bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate.

On the other hand, Turkish universities are considered among the best and most sought after universities at the present time. Many Turkish universities have obtained a prestigious global ranking, and were ranked among the top 500 universities in the world.

Therefore, it is considered a first destination for students around the world.

Advantages offered by Turkish scholarships for students

  • Accommodation in a student housing for free, with all the services that the student needs daily, such as meals, etc., and students who do not prefer to stay in university housing can use another option at their own expense, such as rental housing.
  • Comprehensive government health insurance, through which the student can receive examinations in government hospitals and dispense medicines for free.
  • A full year of studying the Turkish language
  • Free flight ticket to enter Turkey and a flight ticket to exit after the end of the study period
  • Enjoy the benefits of a student residence permit, a discounted transportation card, and a visit card to museums and archaeological sites for free
  • Scholarship winners do not pay university fees
  • Monthly stipend for students 

Conditions for applying for Turkish scholarships

  • The applicant must not be studying at a Turkish university or hold Turkish citizenship
  • No mental or physical disability.

The GPA in intermediate education should not be more than 70%.

Not to suspend his studies after the preparatory stage for more than two years

Not to have completed his primary education in Turkey

That his family is not residing in Turkey

Not to have any mental or physical handicap

The age of the applicant should not exceed 21 years

Not to be enrolled in a Turkish university

His average in high school should not be less than 70% for all specialties and 90% for the medical group specialties (medicine – dentistry – pharmacy).

Have graduated or are about to graduate from high school (baccalaureate)

The age of the applicant should not be more than 30 years

The bachelor’s rate should not be less than 75%

The applicant must have graduated or are about to graduate from the baccalaureate level.

The age of the applicant should not be more than 35 years for the PhD degree

The master’s rate should not be less than 75%

Why Us ?

  • A professional team to provide advice and advice to help you with admission

  • Assisting the student in preparing the letter of motivation, which is one of the most important papers that help the student, and which explains the reasons for choosing Turkey to complete his university studies, and the student’s motives for applying for the scholarship, as this letter is prepared in accordance with international standards.

  • Assisting the student in arranging universities according to the criteria requested by the Turkish Scholarship Administration

  • Free registration for the student in one of the best private Turkish universities if he wishes, knowing that tuition fees vary from one university to another